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Fairy Lights
Writer's pictureAfton Gabrielle

Genres – So many choices, so little time

As I mentioned two weeks ago in my last article, I am, and forever will be a Stephen King fan, having read many of his novels (The Stand being my favourite) I had also endeavoured to write horror, trying for years, keeping a notebook handy, but only even managing a few pages of a limp idea. Granted, this was when I was still in junior high, but the passion to be a writer has been with me for a long time.

When I came around to finding my novel, finding a story with substance, meaning, and depth, everything which came forth was of romantic nature, which had been the fewest types of novels I had read. It was a surprise, but then again, I am a hopeless romantic, having always been on the search for my soul mate, being lucky enough to have found him at twenty-four.

And now, eleven years married, every story is a dream of lovers coming together, and so much of that story pulls from real life. So often it’s my husband and me I see while writing.

It is a wonderful way to express yourself, pulling from your life, your interests, your passions and of course, writing something you yourself would want to read. Write the stories missing, and even if it's a tale told a thousand times, your words are your own, and no one else will write it as you do, since no one else has experienced it as you have.

I always write a story centered on romance, so I would call that my main or primary genre, but at the same time, all of my novels have been written with a secondary genre in mind as well. I have a work of science fiction, a of WWII, and one set in the cold Canadian North. I am currently working on a novel coming in at the end of WWI, also set in Canada.

Remember those pages are for you to create a world of your own, maybe your work touches on the places and parts of our past, maybe it reaches beyond what you see in everyday life. Think of all that has yet to be written and all that's still to be said.


Afton Feltham

Check out my first novel “Bloom of the Desert Rose” available now. 

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