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Fairy Lights

Writers VS. A.I. - What can we do?

(A.I. generated text here) ...Pretty much sums it up

There is no easy answer for us, at least not at the moment, maybe the notion of thing AI infiltration isn’t as large a problem as it seems, but when where is the line drawn? If it is true that some have been duped into buying goods not created by a living breathing person, even some knowing full well and producing the stuff, I feel that line has already been left in the dust. So, what do we do now?

                I suppose we have some options. We know there are tells in AI-created ‘artworks’ Some people have been good enough to educate us on such things, easily found on TikTok and other places. To help us find them, avoid them and, if at all possible remove them. And most importantly save a piece of real art made with heart and soul.

                One of the best is usually images found online, even one requested or created with our input, most results can be quite hilarious, and many times not a realistic image that can or should be used. Hands and Feet often leaving the viewer scratching their head, if not enjoying a little chuckle.

                In other places, AI is harder to spot, books, short stories, and articles, it all hits home for this author. How can you tell what’s been agonized over for hours, days, weeks, and maybe years, when AI can spit out a 10K manuscript in half a second? Unfortunately, this problem is often only found once you have read far enough along in the work to see the dysfunction and missteps, after purchase ☹

            There is hope my dear readers, measures, research and methods are being put into place to protect us and our hard-earned often relentless work. It’s hard enough to catch a break without the market being bombarded by made-up authors and pointless hours of reading. A missed opportunity for the reader and the writer.

            Knowing someone is out there enjoying our words, ideas, and vision, although in a million alternative details than our minds saw it being written. It is one of the great marvels, being able to write a story and see it in the hands of others, seen through a million different eyes, perspectives and tones. It is a sadness when everyone misses out.

            So, when you are out there taking in the world and all its creation, hope that your eyes catch those of living flesh, of bleeding wounds, and open hearts. So much yearning goes into a meaningful piece of art, stories, paintings, or sculptures, no matter your choice of tool. 

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